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Liturgical Engagement is celebrating Christ’s presence through full spirited worship and joyful praise. The Liturgical Ministries that comprise Liturgical Engagement are described below.



are selected to proclaim the scripture readings and to lead the congregation in response. Any confirmed member of the parish may volunteer for training as a lector by contacting the pastor.

Eucharistic Ministers

assist the priest in the distribution of holy Communion during the celebration of the mass. Ministers may also bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are homebound. Interested applicants must meet the following guidelines: ‘mature Catholics respected in the Parish community who are noted for their devotion to the Eucharist and their service to the Parish”. Accepted applicants are required to complete a short course of study after being selected by the pastor.


assist in the seating of parishioners and visitors at our weekend liturgies and help direct parishioners and visitors towards restrooms or any other location in the church that nay be requested. Users also select people to carry up the Offertory Gifts and receive the collections at Mass.


assist in the welcoming of parishioners and visitors to the church and distributing the Parish bulletin. Adults and youth of all ages may act as Greeters.

Altar Servers

assist at the altar during the celebration of the Mass and during other liturgical functions. Volunteers are accepted from youth who have received their first Eucharist. Training must be completed to participated in this ministry. Adults can also be Altar Servers. All interested in this ministry should notify the pastor.

Cantors, Choir Members and Musicians

lead the congregation in music during during the liturgy. Blessed Sacrament encourages the full participation from the assembly by providing effect musical leadership. We welcome new members at any time. Please offer your musical talents to Gold and our Parish! All interested in this ministry should notify the pastor or musical director.


carefully arranges the liturgical books, candles, vestments, chalice, water and wine vessels and other items necessary in the celebration of the Mass. The Sacristan also is responsible for the upkeep of liturgical linens and vestments. This is a “behind-the-scenes go-to person who arrives early to set up for Mass and leaves after all have departed the church.


Volunteers assist in decorating the church for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and other special holidays and liturgical celebrations. The work will include setting up the Nativity scene, placing potted flowers and plants, putting up Christmas garland and lights, and making sure the church is clean and prepared for these important liturgical celebrations.